Thursday, April 16, 2009

RT's Contest for the 'Space Birthday Boy'

In a somewhat peculiar story, RT is hosting a contest to see who can write the best birthday wishes to American astronaut Michael Reed Barratt.  Here is RT's description of the contest:
NASA astronaut Michael Reed Barratt is now 50 years old. The veteran space traveller celebrated his half century on April 16 high above the Earth’ atmosphere in a place he now calls home - the International Space Station. RT has been inundated with birthday wishes for Barratt, all of which we’ve forwarded to him onboard the ISS. Michael is busy reading through the messages and has agreed to select the one he likes most. Once he’s picked his favorite, the lucky sender will be revealed in an exclusive video to be shown on the RT website.AS promised by RT, the winner will receive a group photo of Expedition 19 - complete with the crews’ signatures.
Some questions about this contest:
  • Why Barratt?  This is his first trip to space.  He does not have any historical relevance to U.S./Russian space exploration.
  • Why does this get its own special box on the RT Top News sections? 
  • Who does RT think will be interested in this story?  What is the relevance of an astronaut turning 50 in space?    

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